Thursday 22 March 2012

The Truth to Weight Loss

There is NO quick healthy solution to losing weight.
The truth can be hard sometimes. Losing weight can sometimes seem impossible too. Losing weight is not easy, it takes will power and hard work.

My hardest thing to cope with when losing weight, was staying away from junk food. My favourite types of food included ice-cream, cheese burgers, chocolate and sweets. I found all the exercising regimes that I came across were far too boring to stick to for any long period of time to notice any difference.

My simple steps to weight loss, are simple because their is no particular regimes or diets you must stick to. However, it does require hard work, determination and will power.

The Steps:

  1. Write an honest diary for one week of everything you eat. Including drinks (soda can be a large weight contributor)
  2. Don't break your back exercising. I started exercising by jogging on the spot until I became out of breath. Each day, I would jog for 5 minutes. Jog to your favourite song every morning before work. Exercising alone when wanting to lose weight helps reduce the amount of calories being retained by your body. Exercise is also a brilliant way to lift your mood and motivation.
  3. Drink water whenever you are thirsty. Keep a bottle in the refridgerator to keep it chilled and more appealing.
  4. Read through your diary. Highlight every item of junk food and decide which item is your favourite. Remove these from your diet keeping the favourite as a treat at the end of the week. If your chosen favourite is chocolate, stick to having one small bar at the end of each week. If you completely cut out all junk food, your body will crave it.
  5. Eat sensible amounts. Try not to eat on the move. Sit down and enjoy your meal and take time in consuming it. It takes the stomach 20 mins to tell the brain it is full.
By following these simple steps, I managed to trim up and lose a stone in 2 weeks. It is not a quick fix and it will not stop you putting weight back on if you change to your old ways. But, each day with a healthy diet and daily exercising your body will turn into a temple. You will also gain more motivation when you notice that by the end of the first week you will probably be able to jog to 2 songs instead of 1. A sure fire sign of your body losing weight and becoming more healthy.

Above all good luck with your weight loss plan. Please post success stories other other tips you think would help others.

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