Friday 23 March 2012

Extra Tips For Weight Loss

A few extra tips that I have found make a great difference when losing weight.

Changing what milk you drink makes a huge difference. If you are used to full fat milk(blue top in UK) , simply change it for semi-skimmed (red top in UK).

It might go without saying, but if you drink tea or coffee with sugar, don't put the sugar in. It may taste strange for the first few cups, but you will be grateful of the difference it makes.
Or you could cheat and add sweetner. The taste is slightly strange compared to sugar, but it doesn't add to your weight.

Instead of frying food, such as fries or sausages, grill them or for fries, put them in a bag with a little olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper and shake the bag. Take the fries out the bag and cook in the oven on a baking try. They come out really crispy but still fluffy inside. Delicious!

1 comment:

  1. Another useful tip:

    Try an substitute white bread for wholemeal or granary bread. Little changes such as the ones listed, have a vast affect on your body.
